What a cute picture of Lexy...

Except that she has a fat lip. The poor girl had a sore tooth yesterday and this morning her whole lip was swollen. And, the tooth still hurt. She went to school anyway (late 'cause there was a two hour delay). The tooth that was hurting is the one that was discolored from when she bumped it 3 years ago.

Yeah, that one...
Amy called and got her an appointment with our WONDERFUL dentist. He is
soooo cool. The nicest guy, explains things very well, not too busy to listen to what your questions or concerns are, the kind of guy that would be fun to hang out with after work.
He took one peak and said, "Yep, that tooth is abscessed and needs to come out." He took an X-ray to make sure (Oh yeah, their X-rays are
soooo cool too, they have a wireless digital X-ray setup. The X-ray shows up on the screen in like 3 seconds.) He showed both of us and explained what was going on. He showed us the permanent teeth that were pushing down and the dark spot where the "little bugs" were that made the tooth hurt. He got her fit in a little pink mask and sunglasses and he when to work.
Here she is ready to go...

A few minutes later...

...two thumbs up and the tooth was gone.
She doesn't remember the shots, the pliers or the pulling. She just remembers feeling "
noodley". The gas did its job.
And the tooth is gone.
Here is Lexy's new smile. She still has the swollen lip for now, but the tooth is gone.

The dentist told us that the permanent tooth will be in around the end of summer. We'll post a picture of her new smile again when the swelling is down.