Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What'd you do...!!??!!

You should never let your upstairs cooler drain go two years without being hooked up ...

This could happen to you... What a mess to clean up...

We noticed a crack a few weeks ago... two days later crash..!!! The guys the own and manage our place cleaned it up and fix the ceiling fairly quickly. It's one of those times when it's nice to be renting and let someone else fix the hole. Haha...

Ok... I better explain more. We have a small heater/cooler in the loft above our garage. It's kind of a weird little thing. No buttons, it is only controlled by a remote with no words, only pictures. I finally downloaded the operator's manual and figured our how to use it.

It finally turned warm this summer and we had several nights of people staying in our loft / guest room. I guess that the installer did not hookup the condensation drain to the tube that was installed for the drain. So, the water coming off the cooler was dripping into the insulation above our closet in the master bedroom. After many days of the cooler running enough water was in the insulation that it got too heavy for the sheet rock that was all wet too and the ceiling caved in.

I hope that explains better what happened.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pack Meeting June 2010

We had another Pack Meeting yesterday. Pack 193 earned a few awards.

Peter and Paul got a bunch of beltloops and WEBLOS pins from Mark Smith
William Frampton earned his Bobcat rank. We did a North Star ceremony and gave him a glow in the dark star to put in his room to remind him to stay on the Cub Scout Trail.

Jackson Powell earned his Wolf rank. We did the red paint on the face for valor ceremony with him. I put red craft paint stripes on his forehead, both checks, chin, and nose.
Isaac earned his Bear rank and one Gold Arrow Point. He had to face the bear in it's cave. He when out in the hall where we could all hear the bear growling. The was some yelling and more growling. Then his shoes and hat came flying into the room. Next thing you know here comes Isaac with scratches all over his arms and face carrying a bear hide. It was pretty fun.

We had a few games as always. Here they are having a bunny race. They could only hop when I said "Hop"... I put in quite a few other words to mess with them, stop, cop, mop, flop, top, bop. They all had fun with this one.
The other game we played was Fox and Chickens. All the chicken had to follow the mother hen and hold on while the fox chases them and tried to tag the last chicken who then had to follow the fox. Pretty wild game.
Thanks Trisha for taking all the pictures.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Clay Center

We took Trisha to the Clay Center on Saturday. We needed to show her where it was and how to get through. We end up staying longer than planned playing with all the fun stuff.

We ended up in the science lab and the kids got to conduct experiments with acids and bases.

Here is Scientist Lexy working with homemade invisible ink.
Here is Mad Scientist Isaac working with indicator dye.

Isaac bought an extreme sucker at the Clay Center gift shop. It has a scorpion in the middle. Momma is not proud of me for letting him buy it. He loves the shock value of the thing. They told him that he can eat the scorpion because the stinger and poison is gone. But I don't think he can do it... ;)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Power Game

On Friday night we when to the West Virginia Power baseball game. It threatened to rain all night, but we got thorough. They lost to the Lakewook, NJ Blue Claws. But, it's still a fun time. We even got to take Amy to the game. She got home from Hazard, Ky in time and didn't have to stay home to study. It was kinda nice to have her out with us.

Here is a picture of the 'girls' minus Lexy, who knows where she had run off to when this picture was taken. Trisha, Amy, Kristen Barker, Lucy Barker.
The fire works after the game were great, they always are. The Power games are a pretty good time. I am glad that we have a local team to go watch. And Mr. Toast makes it fun too...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Silly Bandz

I am not sure how far the Silly Bandz craze has spread... It has hit here big time. Both Isaac and Lexy are all about them.

For those of you not in the know... Silly Bandz are small rubber bands that are molded in to different shapes. They are intended to be worn on the wrist like a bracelets. When they are on your writs that look like colorful rubber bands, but when you take them off they show their true shape. Tons of fun. The kids here like to collect them, wear as many as possible, and trade them. Some kids even wear sooo many that it cuts off the circulation to their hands. Duh..!!

Here is a picture of Isaac with a FEW of his Silly Bandz... Yesterday Lexy was rollin' with about 40 of them on. They went up both arms half way to her elbow. See the Five Guys post below...

Five Guys

We made a trip over to Huntington, WV last night. We had three things in our plan. First, was to drop off a disk to Chris to give to Lora. Second, was to show the Marshall campus to Trisha (her high school has ties to Marshall). Then the third thing was to eat at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. It is delish... Not cheap, but very good. A cheese burger comes with two patties, hand formed out in the open where you can see what is going on. For those of you following in Utah, there is one on River Road in the StG. I hope it is a tasty as the one here.

Here is Isaac enjoying his burger... Here is Lexy with her grilled cheese sandwich...

Here is Trisha munching her burger...

Thank Trisha... She texted me this picture so that I could post it...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Great Summer Activity

Over the weekend when Amy was home she took a few minutes to play with Lexy and Emma... They had a toenail painting party on the front porch. Pink with sparkles and little painted flowers. Lexy even has some watermelon to boot. It's too bad that Emma doesn't like watermelon, it seems like I have offered it to her at least a dozen times. She just doesn't like watermelon. Thanks Amy for taking to time on play 'girlie' with Lexy and Emma...!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Alan Jackson Show

Amy got tickets to the Alan Jackson Freight Train Tour for Mothers Day. The show was here in Charleston and that made it much easier for us to attend. We lucked out with 14th row floor seats on the aisle. It worked out great. Chris Young and Josh Turner opened for him.

Here are a couple of the pictures that Amy took during the show...

So that makes us:
Alan Jackson, 2
Josh Turner, 2
Chris Young, 1

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New Hockey Gear

Isaac got new hockey gear. He got a box from Hockey Monkey the other day. In the box was shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin guards, hockey pants, and hockey socks. Then Butch sold us 5 practice jerseys for $5 a piece. He loved skating in all the gear, so far he skated one group lesson (that have always been just him and the coach) and one power skating session. He looks great on the ice. We are excited for the hockey camp the JD is doing this summer and the WV Wild weekly camp that is comming up starting in July.

Friday, June 4, 2010

What is at the end of the Rainbow...??


My favorite quote in a Dollar Tree / All A Dollar / etc., my Dad, "How much is this item..???" They always look at him so strange. I love to do it too...