Isaac picked a Corvette inspired design for his Pinewood Derby car this year.

We had the Pinewood Derby last night. It is kind of a big event for us.
Last years car has had quite a bit of attention in the 'Blog-o-sphere'. That posting has been viewed some 1,450 times to date. Even though
last years race didn't go to Isaac, we had fun.
Here is Isaac and the car introductions. With the car in had. He named the car
"Need for Speed". If you look close you can see the
"Hot Pursuit" addition that was made after the other photos were taken.

He looks good in that uniform, Huh...
Here is a picture of the car in action, just edging out another car. It won a few races.

Here are the showroom pictures of the car. We were kind of in a rush this year because we didn't even start until Saturday before the Wednesday race. That left no time for paint adjustments. But it turned out pretty slick. Notice the StingRay inspired hood.

Here is what the car would look like from a police helicopter...

And a view meant for the competition to see.

So... Poor Isaac didn't make it to the finals of the races. He got 4th place again. Just out of the running. I think that the car got a little tired after so many trips down the track. Maybe I needed to put in more graphite or maybe I needed to buy the set up jig. Either way, the car looks cool, and he did get "The Sportiest Car" award.