Last week during Isaac's piano lesson Lexy and I stopped by Wine Cellar Park for a few minutes. Lexy had soooo much fun on the playground there. She went on and on about how much she likes "Old Playgrounds". She says that they are just better. "Look at all the bridges." This playground in right next to a pavilion that would be perfect for a large group.
Here are a few fun pictures of her on the playground.
If you can't tell, she likes... LOVES to have her picture taken.
We frosted our first round of Halloween cookies last night. I always love making a big batch of sugar cookies for Halloween... and Easter... and Christmas. We had the Payne's over to help. I am pretty sure that all of the kids had a blast. Here are a few of the pictures.
Isaac's personal design. I had to beg him not to bite it before we took a picture. The stinker kept putting it in has mouth. Once the picture was done. Gulp..!! It was gone.
Here are the two older Payne girls getting the frosting done.
Lexy and the little Payne kept this corner of the table going most of the night.
Sorry it's sideways, but here is a picture of a plate headed out the door. The monster of a frosting job was done by Mr David. He was funny, didn't want to frost cookies, the he went off with the artsy over the top. Love it man. Come on back we'll do it again.
I just can't get over how much fun Bridge Day was this year. Here are some more pictures from the day. I better just make a Muvee, because there are too many good pictures. From the lower bridge, yes those are jumpers.
That is about as zoomed in as the iPhone will do. Pretty cool pictures, low quality, but cool.
Here is a picture of Andrew and Isaac on the lower bridge. They were having so much fun playing and watching that it was hard to get them to hold still long enough to get a picture.
Here is a little daddy daughter picture. Happy happy.
We always like to stop at the waterfall near Galley Bridge. It was flowing pretty good. There were so many people there that they had a cop at the entrance guiding traffic in and out of the parking lot. We lucked out and got right in.
Bridge Day was FANTASTIC this year. Weather was cool, dry, and warmed up later in the day. Isaac invited his friend Andrew. (He is WAY into Dragon Ball Z too). After starting out a little late and about wrecking on the way, we marched across the bridge (with a meat-sickle in hand) to the east side of the bridge.
Here are the three kids near the base of the bridge on the east side. Yep, those beanies were keeping the ears warm. Lexy must have had 100 people tell her that they liked her hat.
Red Bull was a big sponsor this year. They had stuff all over the place. This little 2 ton truck with speakers, and DJ, flat screens, video game consoles, etc. was a big hit and provided music for the entire east side of the bridge.
So we go a major hook up this year. Mr V got us onto the catwalk under the bridge deck. WOW AWESOME AMAZING COOL EPIC, I can't find enough adjectives to describe how neat it was under there. Lexy is the youngest person to walk the catwalk under the business that runs the tour. This picture is all three of us with our harnesses on ready to go. (Andrew was not comfortable with the height, so he didn't go)
This is the view from the catwalk on one of the BASE jumpers. It was fun, we didn't know when someone was going to jump, we just watched for falling bodies. If you bounce over to my YouTube I have uploaded 3 videos from under the bridge.
This picture is from the east gates. As you can see a few people showed up. We heard that it got so crowed on the middle of the bridge that nobody could move, so the police had to let people over the wall to walk around.
Shhhhh... Don't tell Isaac that I posted this. His teacher told me how much she liked this essay that he wrote last week. Makes a guy proud... :D
Here he is just chilling on the ice. The poor kid had a headache toward the end of practice. I figure it had something to do with practice starting 30 minutes before his normal bed time. We have to keep our routine pretty stinkin' tight for after practice to get the kids in bed and ready for school the next day.
Dragon Ball Z Update
Isaac has been wanting this Vegeta costume for some time now, ever since his Grandma made him the Goku costume last yer for Halloween. He found this one online. It wasn't cheap, but boy is he happy with it. Check out that tail.
He is only wearing part of the costume in these pictures, There is more armor around the shoulders and waist that isn't attached for these photos.