Monday, November 14, 2011
WV Wild vs Athens (PeeWee's) at Home
Misc Stuff from November
Lexy likes it too, she wanted her picture to look like she was holding a baby.
Lexy got 100% on her keyboard test. It looks to me like she got a star for the backslash too. Good Job Baby Jo...!!
Lexy has finally spent her birthday money. She has been wanting a microphone again. So I showed her this one online. She loved it. The next day she used her gift card from Grandpa to buy it. It is super fun. It has 3 or 4 beats that it will play. It recorded you singing if you want, it has a line in jack so that you can play your iPod through it, sing and record. It has an effects button to change your voice. AND... A USB plug so that you can upload your recordings. She sure has fun with it. The other night at the ice rink she sang 'The Star Spangled Banner" into it. I was quite proud of her.
This picture doesn't do the street justice. The kids and I all liked this road that we saw the other day in Charleston. It's lined with giant trees for several blocks.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Oxford Trip
This sign is at City Barbeque in Cincinnati. It is a fantastic place to eat, Isaac and I highly recommend it. (Lexy had a McNugget Happy Meal) We ate at this place last year when we were over that way for hockey. Every thing we had there was great... Brisket, pulled pork, shredded chicken, ribs, fries, corn bread. I just ate breakfast and typing that makes me hungry...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

GO ISAAC...!!!!
Monday, November 7, 2011
WV Wild #75 :: He shoots... He SCORES...!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Orphan Annie
After the show we went back stage to talk to Dave and Camryn. Lexy had so much fun meeting the cast, looking at the sets and props. Here is a quick snapshot of Camryn and Lexy.
Camryn was one of the orphans, Kate. It was so fun to hear her sing and watch her perform. She did fantastic...!!
It was fun for the kids to check out the set, here they are on the staircase from the Warbuck's house.
In looking at the props we found a couple pairs of ice skates. Of course we had to have a picture of them.
Great job Dave and Camryn, it was sooo fun to come watch you. I hope that we get to see you perform again.
Garr Campbell

Garr Campbell, age 68, passed away on November 2, 2011 in Salt Lake City, Utah surrounded by family. He was born in Logan, Utah on November 5, 1942 and grew up in Providence, Utah. He was the son of Theron (Dick) Campbell and Lucille Mae Campbell. He graduated from South Cache High School and from Utah State University. Garr received a Masters Degree in Landscape Architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Garr was unforgettable. He was outspoken, irreverent, and he loved to laugh. Most importantly, he was compassionate.
As a Landscape Architect, Garr travelled the world. From Salt Lake City, to the East Coast, Paris, India and the Middle East, he left behind miniature “Gardens of Eden.”
He enjoyed the challenges he encountered in his profession. Garr first worked with Sasaki, Dawson & DeMay in Watertown, Massachusetts. For seven years he was based in Paris, France and worked for HH the Aga Khan. Garr loved his work and forged many wonderful friendships with both his coworkers and clients. Creating these “gardens of delight” brought Garr great joy. However, despite Garr’s talents as a landscape architect, his greatest treasures were his daughters.
He will be greatly missed by his three girls: Caroline (Scott) Bates, Lucy (Justin) Weber, and Sarah (Tom) Caine. He is survived by 8 grandchildren; Hank, Campbell, Charlotte, William, Frances, Sam, James, and Eliza.
He is survived by brother Richard Campbell, sister Kathryn (Neal) Kelly, sister Louise (Clair) Hill, and sister Jeneane (Jim) King. He is also survived by his former wife, Joyce Pollard Campbell.
The family wishes to extend special thanks to Dr. Timothy Odell and the nursing staff in MICU at the University of Utah Medical Center. We would also like to thank the Holding Family and The Grand America staff for their kindness and support.
Funeral services will be held Monday, November 7, 2011, 12:00 Noon at The Grand America Hotel, the Grand Ballroom: 555 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. Prior to the funeral, a viewing will be held from10:30 – 11:45 am. Interment will be at the Providence City Cemetery, Tuesday, November 8, 11:00 am.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween