After it rains here a bit things move around. We have seen some rocks in the middle of the road or flat rocks in the lanes. Ha. Not rocks. Those are turtles. If your driving on a road near a stream or river just as the rain is drying out, you can see the turtles moving around. We noticed them a few weeks ago, but we've always been moving too fast to get a good look. Until today. We were headed for a little drive after dinner and had just crossed the bridge over the creek near the gate to our subdivision when I saw one of those rocks... I mean turtles at the side of the road. A whipped around and parked by him. Isaac and I jumped out to take a look.

The little guy was out and about trying to cross our road. It did take much of Isaac poking him to get him to suck up into his shell. Of course Isaac wanted to keep him as a pet.
Like we need another one. I told him the turtle could go with us for our ride, which worked out because Lexy wanted to look at him and I was not about to let her out on that road.

He rode along with us tucked tightly up in his shell. The kids passed him back a forth peeking in the little crack where his head used to be. Isaac even took him in a store with us. All the carrying him around got the turtle comfortable with Isaac and he started poking his head out. Isaac kept trying to get him to bite his finger. Then he set the little guy down and the turtle was quite a bit faster than we all thought he would be, trying to run away.

Once the head, legs and tail were out Lexy didn't want anything to do with him. She didn't want to get
scratched. So, that gave Isaac a reason to torment her, just a little.
The deal was we can't keep the turtle, after much begging... the big mean Daddy kept his word,
"We Can't Keep the Turtle." Boooooo. So, we had to put him back.
So, it was nice to have ourselves a pet turtle for an hour. And now he is back with his turtle friends.
(No, turtles, grass, rocks or children were harmed in the making of this blog)
Kids, The turtle is cute. I'm glad you set him free. His family probably missed him. Lex, I wouldn't want to get scratched either. Iz, I'm gald you didn't get bitten. He looked bigger in the pictures until I could see Iz holding him. He's not very big. In MI turtles are on the endangered species. Aunt Jean just about put us through the windshield one time when she seen one crossing the road and stopped to let it cross. I guess you can get in trouble there if you run over one of them. Who knew! Have a great day and thanks for the new posts. Love, gpaR & gmaG