Sunday, August 9, 2009

Workin' in the garage...

Isaac and I got some working done it the garage on Saturday. We built some shelves to go over the deep freeze. These are tall enough to still open our big chest deep freeze. We measured just right to make sure we can fix our many totes on the shelf and on the top. It worked out so well, I think we will build another one with a work bench on it.

Isaac is a great helper when we do projects like this (and I give him enough to keep him busy for a while). When he wanted to take a break I told him we could. So, we took a break from the shelves and changed the oil in my truck. He LOVES to change the oil. I broke loose the drain plug and filter, he did the rest. He put them back in and I snugged them up. He loves it.

1 comment:

  1. Iz, Looks like you're a real good helper. You and your dad do great work. gma


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