Isaac has been so excited for Rib Fest to come back to Charleston this summer. The boy loves ribs. They moved it over to South Charleston this year and it was a much better venue. I took the kids and we went down there on Saturday afternoon. Amy stayed home to study, and Trisha had gone to Columbus for the day. We got in took one walk around the place and got our RIBs. We were there at a pretty good time and the lines were short. We got ribs from three places, corn on the cob from another, drinks and fries at another, and one last drinks stop. Then off to eat were when.
Yeah, Isaac likes his ribs...
Smoken' Joe's Hog Wild Barbeque was the best of the three that we tried. And they were dang good.
Here is Lexy enjoying her $7 lemonade, corn on the cob and fries.
One of the fun things that we did was visit the balloon man. Lexy got a flower, which she loved. She was careful with it so it didn't become 'pop art'.

Here is Lexy enjoying her $7 lemonade, corn on the cob and fries.

The balloon guy had a ton of corny jokes and Lexy gave him a corny, fake laugh right back to all of his silly jokes.
Looks like it was a lot of fun. Now I'm craving ribs at a quarter to 11. and no chance of getting any.