Lexy got new skates for her birthday last month. We were in Utah when we gave her a paper that showed her what they looked like. When we got back to West Virginia they were at the house waiting for her. Then they had to be sharpened and it's not good to switch skates right before competition. So, we took the skates to the rink to be sharpened 2 days after we got back. Two weeks later she got to try them out... She was a bit shakey at first and said that stopping was "scary", Ms Mischa was there and looked them over. She told Lexy that freash sharpened skates should be scary to stop on. About 20 minutes into the new skates she was good to go and back in the groove. She even wore them for Syncro this week.
The new skates are Riedell 133 TS (J33 TS). They sould be great skates for the next year or so, the boot is a bit stiffer that her last skates and there is a bunch more padding on these new ones.

Here is a camara-phone picture of Lexy trying out her new skates. It's kinda dark and hard to see but that is a great big smile on her face.

Your new skates are Awesome! GMB