Isaac's hockey team played in Cincinnati this week end. Two games in the Norhtern Kentucky area on Saturday, and one in Miami, Oh on Sunday. We missed the Sunday game. Isaac's team crushed the Northern Kentucky Black Team. It was like 18-0 and 20-0. Pretty dominating.
Here is a picture of the team huddle prior to the first game.

Isaac got to play goalie for the first time in the first game on Saturday. He was pretty board. This is an
ACTION shot. He only got the chance to make 3 saves in the whole game.

The WV Wild won by about 18-0. I say about because the scoreboard operator quite showing the goals after it was 9-0. I was pretty sad. Our coaches called off the team in the 3rd period. They told them to just pass the puck in the attack zone, and not score goals.
Isaac switched pads for the second game and played left wing. He had a great game. It was the same team from the first game. Isaac was able to score a goal and got a playmaker. A playmaker is when a player gets 3 assists in the same game. It's a good stat to have.
That is Isaac in the middle of this picture.

Again they won by about 20. The scoreborad guy left it as 9-0. Even Isaac listened to the coaches when they called of the boys in the middle of the 2nd period. Isaac has a couple of chances for breakaways, but he 'dumpped' the puck into the zone like the coach asked.
I have been trying to get Isaac to stand in the 'hockey pose' for each place that he plays. His one is pretty good.

After the game we hit the road for home. We had to get in Charleston for a skating show on Sunday afternoon. On the way we stopped at Big Boy for lunch. It was fun for the kids to see the Biy Boy and have their picture with him. The food wan't as good as I remember.
Super job..way to go IZ GMB