Isaac has a science project due today. We have been working on it for the last week or so. It was pretty fun. We used some cool stuff. The instructions said to use a strong bar magnet, so I found the only two
cow magnets in all of Charleston, WV. They seemed to work pretty good. Not what I had planned, but it was successful. I hope he doesn't get in trouble for the poster looking so cool. We put it together in AutoCAD and printed it out full size. It is on the poster board the was requested, but we glued a full sheet of paper to it. Ha. We was excited that it was just one piece of paper.
He did add one hand done drawing of a bar magnet to the poster just above the conclusion, but I like this clean print instead of trying to post a photograph of it.
This is his written portion of the project. I saw one misspelled word in it but forgot to tell him before it was due.
Good Luck Isaac, I hope you get an A+++
Cool project. I would give you excellent scores if I was judging it. GMB