This is Isaac's last year of Pinewood Derby. I figured the he better have a bigger part in the construction. So, I set him up with the band saw, drew some lines on the block and got him started.

We only had one broken saw blade and look at that sweet truck body.
A coat of primer...A coat of red...
In the rush I still don't have the 'photo shoot' pics of the truck yet... But here is Isaac at the race.
Setting the truck on the track...
That race was a squeeker...
The truck didn't do so well on the track. It raced out pretty well, but I didn't take the time to set up the axles the way I have in the past. I am certain that if I'd spent the time he would have done better. Overall good experience. Check back for more pictures of the truck.
Great job Isaac! Isn't it wonderful to have a dad to show you how to do stuff like that! First time on the band saw, you did awesome! We have our derby coming up next month.