Well, our power was out from about 9 am on Saturday to 9 pm on Sunday. It made for an interesting weekend. It was pretty relaxing actually. It makes us think of a simpler time. It kept our weekend quiet. The snow was nice, Isaac spent every bit of day light possible out there in the snow playing. He made several sled tracks (jumps and all), an igloo, a fort, etc. We couldm't convince him to come in the house. He even skipped lunch on Saturday. Needless to say he LOVES the snow.
Here are some pics of why we were out of power. This is right down near the gate to The Ridges. A tree fell into the power lines and pulled some of them down. There is a burnt spot on the tree where the power lines came together.
It is a bit hard to see in the picture but there is a power cable hanging down from the pole into the ditch. It starts in the top middle of this picture and goes down to the left.
We all slept in the living room on Saturday night. We moved Lexy's mattress in on the floor. On Sunday after dinner the kids decided to be nice to each other long enough to lay on the bed and watch a movie on Lexy's computer. With out power.
They can't keep me from cooking for my family dinner. We fired up the grill and made our dinner with out the microwave or the stove. We made BBq pork chops, fried potatoes (in a pie tin), breaded chicken, and we heated up some corn. We had a nice dinner...

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