Saturday, December 19, 2009

We woke up this morning and what did we see...

Snow... Snow... Snow...!!

We got a good snow over night. It was starting to snow when we went to bed last night. By the time we got up this morning, there was 10" on the driveway. And that was on top of the rain that had fallen for 3 hours yesterday afternoon. It's still snowing at 10am...

Here is a nice pic of the front yard at just before 8am. We got a little on the truck...
Lexy was all bundled up first and got some early morning play time in the snow.

The kids and I bailed and when to Panera from some quick breakfast. When we leave here we are going to go find a sled and the kids are going to tear up the snow...

We'll post again later with more snow pictures...

1 comment:

  1. it is true that we will probeble tear up that snow!!!


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