Today was the Charleston Figure Skating Club Competition held at the South Charleston Memorial Ice Arena. We we there for the whole morning. Lexy took the ice at 7:30am from practice and Isaac finished up around 12:30pm. Yes, Isaac. They had a hockey section to the competition, at the end. Here is our little Lexy with her flowers after she skated.
She skated in the Freeskate 3 Program. She skated to the song Stereo Love. It's a fun song, it's a dance mix style song with the achordian. She got a gold medal.
She also skated the Beginner Interpretive where the skaters don't know the music. They hear it for the first time at the ice rink just before they compete. The music that they ended up with was Elvis' You Ain't Nothin' but a Hound Dog. It sure was fun. Lexy got a silver medal.
So after the girls got done skating and their medals were handed out the hockey portion of the competition began. There where three events, Stick Handling, Shooting, and Fastest Skater. The stick handling event was a row of cones the length of the ice, the boys had to weave the cones, skating around the net and race back down the other side of the ice, all with the puck. Fastest time wins. The shooting event had the shooter tutor in the net and cones set at about 10 or 12 feet out. They were then passed 10 pucks one at a time. The player who got the most pucks in wins. The fastest skater is just one full lap.
There where only three boys that signed up for the event. Isaac fumbled the puck a little on the stick handling, but ran the drill faster that I thought he could. He got third there. He was the only player that got a puck in the net during the shooting event, first place. Then he was second in the fastest skater by just less that a second, to a 13 year old player. This is a picture of the boys during the shooting medal presentation.
This one is a picture of them during the fastest skating awards. On the far left there is JD. The guy that taught Isaac all the basics of hockey. He is a neat guy.
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