Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pies and Pints, Cool Place to Eat

Look at that pizza...

...kind of different, huh. The kids and I splurged the other night and went to a place in downtown Charleston called Pies and Pints. It is a really cool pizza place. They make some really different pizza combinations. Isaac and I had a 1/2 Cuban Pork and 1/2 Chicken and Gouda. Lexy had the stand by pepperoni. Isaac got the treat of draft Rootbeer too. It was really good.

So, Charleston crowd, if you haven't tried Pies and Pints, I recommend it.


  1. DUH-LIsh-issssss!!! Thanks for sharing

  2. draft rootbeer is the best. The harmans told us about that place- never got to go- but it looks yummmmmmmy.


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