I was recommended a new App for the iPod yesterday
(Thanks Stephen). It's called
ColorSplash. It was $0.99. My goodness is it fun. When you load a photo the programs turns in black and white, then you can zoom in a paint the color back in. It is simply removing the black and white filter from that section of the photo. Really cool. Here are a couple of photos that I was playing with last night.
This original photo was from last weekend at the Lego training. I like how her eyes pop in this now. They are clearly blue in this photo. Some of the others they are green. If you look super close you can see that I put the color back into her ear ring too.

This is an old photo from two summers ago. But I love the picture. I wanted to just do his eyes, but they were too pale. So, I did his eyes and the blue on his chest protector, and the star on his helmet. Don't look and the big 'holiday' on his left shoulder.

Last night we took Jamie for the evening. She needed some special time with a friend. She she met us at the ice rink and ice skated for the first time. She did awesome. Boy did she ever have some hard falls, but she always popped back up. My favorite quote of the evening was, "How long until I am as fast as Lexy?" That was too cute. This picture is of Lexy and Jamie on The Mound in South Charleston looking up Main Street. They were enjoying their Oreo shakes from the Dairy Bar. The photo was super cute before the edit, but I love it now.

I will certainly be editing more pictures, and the kids will have it on their iPods pretty quick too.
Jamie enjoyed every minute of her time with Lexy! Thanks for making it super fun and extra special!