So what has Lexy been up to...???
She has been busy. And she hasn't skated in nearly a week. Weird. Good thing she has a Ms Mischa lesson tonight. On Monday she got to go to the birthday party of Sophie Johnson. They did some fantastic face painting. Super cute, huh?

Later that evening the Payne girls came to our house for dinner and playing. We hadn't been to our house for 5 minutes and here they came with lip stick on. So we had to get a picture of the pouty lips. Then I demanded that it got put away, no more makeup...!!!

They ended up painting nails. Lexy got a new box to keep her fingernail polish, etc in. If you look close on the table you can see it open there. It's got pink designs and a clear lid. She has clippers, files, polish remover, cotton balls, Q-tips, and about 6 colors of polish... and counting.

By Tuesday she needed more polish. So at lunch time we grabbed some more to match her cloths. Here she is waiting for her chicken nuggets and painting her nails.

Lexy got a bit board at my office in between movies. So she was drawing dresses and this flower was so cool that I had to take a picture and share.

And that is what Lexy has been up to...
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