Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Charleston Distance Run 2012

This year we all three ran the Charleston Distance Run 5K. It was pretty cool, we trained a few times by running along the river or at Danner Meadow Park. Not to mention all the sports the kids have been doing. The kids both ran the Kids Fun Run the night before (more to come on that), then we lined up at 7:30am at the Capital Building.

Here is a shot of Lexy running along.  It was fairly early in the run, but she looks exhausted.
Here's Isaac at the finish line.  Oh yeah, he was sweating...!!
Lexy ended up finishing 2nd in her age group, WAY TO GO Lexy...!!!!
Isaac is looking for the next run, he wants to do the Run, Row, and Ride in mid-September here.  Not sure if we'll do it but it sounds fun.

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing that you guys were able to do that! Awesome job to all three of you!


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