We got a little riding in today... Mr Mike from Lexy's school invited us to ride with him and his group, but I figured the would ride a bit harder than we could. So we followed him out to the spot they were riding from. It took us a bit to get all the bikes going, but we gottem' going.
Here's Isaac ready to rip... It was so nice to see him shifting up and down, remembering how to ride the 65cc. Now he's on the hunt for at 85cc, he's certainly big enough.

Lexy had such a blast riding the little 50cc. It was a bit small for her. Her knees were in her chin, I'm sure it would be easier for her to keep her balance on a bike that fit her better. Never the less, she did lap after lap after lap after lap after lap...

Lexy got comfortable enough to hit the roads. I was so proud of her. We rode up some of the roads from the base camp area. She did great climbing up the roads and riding the breaks back down. She even wanted to ride them by herself as I was packing up that trailer to go for the day.
Here's a quick pic of them both on the road up the hill from the camp area.

Here's Isaac ready to rip... It was so nice to see him shifting up and down, remembering how to ride the 65cc. Now he's on the hunt for at 85cc, he's certainly big enough.
Lexy had such a blast riding the little 50cc. It was a bit small for her. Her knees were in her chin, I'm sure it would be easier for her to keep her balance on a bike that fit her better. Never the less, she did lap after lap after lap after lap after lap...
Lexy got comfortable enough to hit the roads. I was so proud of her. We rode up some of the roads from the base camp area. She did great climbing up the roads and riding the breaks back down. She even wanted to ride them by herself as I was packing up that trailer to go for the day.
Here's a quick pic of them both on the road up the hill from the camp area.
Way fun!