We when for a little fall drive today. We have been watching the leaves start to change and we don't want to miss them when they explode. Plus, next weekend is
Bridge Day and I wanted to make sure we knew the way and the best idea for parking.
Soooo... we drove to
Fayetteville, WV this afternoon and on to the New River Gorge Bridge. B E A U T I F U L.

We drove Highway 60 through Montgory. We have been to Fayettevile before but we drove through Beckley. Highway 60 follows the river most all the way, and the leaves are starting to change. We stopped at the bridge visitor's center and hiked down to the lower observation deck. We got some nice pictures from down there.
Family Picture from the observation deck.

The New River Gorge Bridge.

Another bridge shot.

On the way back we stop by a few places. First was this water fall. I was cool. About a 30 second hike from the parking lot to the base of the fall. But it was a cool little cove. The kids had fun playing on the rocks. If ya look close you can see Isaac on the far right side of this picture, the will give you a sense of scale for the water fall.

Here is a calendar shot of a narrow road in the fall. We gotta take these
shots when ever we can.

stopped at a place along the river where there are some water falls and an OLD hydroelectric plant. This place had some great places for photos.
hmmm some of those places look familiar to me :)Those scenery pics are beautiful and I love the family ones too, so cute! Hope you are all doing well!