Monday, October 19, 2009

Other Bridge Day Pictures

After we spent a few hours on the bridge and looking at the vendors. We has some lunch, we all had meat-sicles. Isaac and I had chicken on a stick and the girls had corn dogs. Once we got back to the car we still saw a few fun things.

Lexy's Monkey Feet
Lexy rode in the stroller most of the time we where at the festival. Sitting down and not moving much I think she got the coldest. Her feet were freezing. So, once we got in the car, I had her take off her shoe and I put my gloves on her feet. She had a lot of fun being a monkey. She kept asking, "Give me some monkey food."
Cotton Hill
There is a place just short of Fayetteville on State Route 16 called Cotton Hill. Very pretty area. These are some sweet photos that we took.
Yeah, yeah, it's from the same spot of the
same place, but it's fun to see how zooming and
rotating makes the photo feel different.
Nice Picture Frame
This was in a vendor booth between the bus drop off and the bridge. I thought it was awesome. I would like to find some old pane glass windows to make some of these. I have some ideas of cool pictures to put in them.

Beautiful Subdivision
We stopped by a place that was advertising bridge view lots. All the homes have porches and earth tone colors. It is a very cool place. Tons of trees. I like the railing arches on this one.


  1. Looks awesome - nice pics. I'm totally jealous of the meatsicles! I love food like that - the best I've ever had was gator on a stick in Milwaukee. The Brights will have to man up one of these years and go down there for bridge day.

    How 'bout them Broncos? What a game.

  2. Gorgeous Pictures, Trav/Amy! Love the monkey and her feet! GMB


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