Great Saturday for the kids again. We slipped out and let Mommy stay home to study.
Lowe's her has a kids workshop that is free everyother Saturday. This was an on week. The kids have built fire trucks, ball toss games and Frankenstien boxes. It's a nice little program Each week they get a patch for the project they build. Lexy's are attached to her
Lowe's apron.

While we were finish up the Frankenstein boxes we heard that
Toys R Us was having a free Lego build a toy. So we found a way to kill a little time and headed on over. It worked out pretty good. We even ran in to the Harman family. The kids got to build a Lego Car and take it home. I love free Legos..!!
Thanks Lowe's and Toys R Us.Lexy got here Halloween costume all ready. Complete with the ruby slippers and basket with Toto. She is ready to roll.
Looks like a fun Saturday @ Lowes and Toys R Us! I love the costume, Lex! What is Iz planning? Love yuo GMB