Monday, January 23, 2012

Our Neighbors Crashed

I am glad we didn't see this happen.  We didn't even hear it happen.  Who knows, we probably weren't even home when it did.

There are some apartments right next to our house, haven't had much contact with anybody in them.  Of course we are not home too much.  The other day when we came home we noticed something not quite right.
Somebody drove their van half way off the ledge, busted the wall down and made a pretty good mess.  Turns out that all of the debris is on the apartment property.  The thin green post on the right side of this photo is the property line.  You can see the sidewalk to the left of the picture, that is our front walkway.

If you look close you can see the jacks where they have jacked up the van to get it off of the frame.  Yesterday I noticed that the van is still there, but it has been pulled back to where the wheels are on the asphalt.
Someone had a bad day, that is for sure.

She's a Baller

After much begging.... Lexy has talked me into letting her play some basketball for the Alum Creek Elementary 2nd and 3rd Grade girls team.  She is SOOOOO excited...!!!  "Girls on the team get a lot of respected at school."  With Synchro season winding down it will be nice for her to have something other than skating to put here energy in to.  Here are a few actions shots of her at practice.

Some shooting drills.
More shooting drills...  This time she is trying out a jersey for size.  She is going to be number 20.
We will keep you posted.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hair Cut

So, it's not a big deal when Isaac and I get hair cuts.  That happens every 3 weeks or so.  But, Lexy getting a hair cut....  That is a BIG DEAL...!!! Her hair has been giving me fits lately.  Turns out all it needed was a trim.  I could tell that the ends needed some help.  It was uneven and kind of had some issues with getting tangled.  When took some advice on where to go from the Payne's.  (Good advice BTW)

Here is Lexy in the chair.  She had a lot of fun with having her hair washed in the sink there at the chair.  She couldn't believe that there was a sink under the counter.
 Beauty shop time...
 A little blow dry action with Ms. Barbara.
All done.  How cute is she...!!??
See if you can find Rasco in that last picture...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


When the kids are out of school we have to find fun stuff to do with my work.  On Monday we drove out to Branchland for a site visit of the Tenmile Waterline Project.  On Tenmile Creek Road we found a spot where the kids could get out and touch the icicles that were hanging from the little cliffs.

Lexy was on a mission to touch those icicles.
Isaac decided to supervise for a while.
Snap.  Off they came.
Of course Isaac couldn't let it just go.  He broke off some for himself.
Here is a shot of the biggest one he pulled off the wall, just before he smashed it on the road.
Here Lexy has a big'ol chunk of ice she pulled off.  Yep, she smashed it in the road too.
We'll watch for the big walls of ice to form again and take pictures for ya'll.

Lexy's Sketch

Not such a good photo of a cute drawing that Lexy did in my office the other day while school was out.  I thought it was so cute that I had to share it.
Later she cut them out, now who knows were they went.  I am glad I snapped a picture.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Today's Hair

Lexy and I have fun doing her hair in different ways. Yesterday it was french braided, but I need more practice. At the hockey game last night she wanted to take it out and wear a pony tail. Went we got home I got the pony tail wet, put some moose in it, and set it with her foam, twisty curlers. Off to bed she went, and this morning look and the cute curls...!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Isaac's Amp

Isaac has been really enjoying playing with the PS3 that the Payne's gave us and we fixed. He mostly plays Infamous 2. He enjoys it so much that he has made his own AMP from the game. I did help him cut the pipe to length, but the design, assembly, and everything else is all Isaac. I love that he makes this type of thing to play with.
All the parts from Home Depot... $10.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Hangout Coming Soon

Isaac is soooo excited. We are getting a Cabella's here in Charleston... He says, "I love Cabella's, all my Grandpas take me to Cabella's. They love it too."
I wish the back ground wasn't so bright... It is was it is... We cant wait...!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Isaac has a science project due today.  We have been working on it for the last week or so.  It was pretty fun.  We used some cool stuff.  The instructions said to use a strong bar magnet, so I found the only two cow magnets in all of Charleston, WV.  They seemed to work pretty good.  Not what I had planned, but it was successful.  I hope he doesn't get in trouble for the poster looking so cool.  We put it together in AutoCAD and printed it out full size.  It is on the poster board the was requested, but we glued a full sheet of paper to it. Ha.  We was excited that it was just one piece of paper.
He did add one hand done drawing of a bar magnet to the poster just above the conclusion, but I like this clean print instead of trying to post a photograph of it.

This is his written portion of the project.  I saw one misspelled word in it but forgot to tell him before it was due.
Good Luck Isaac, I hope you get an A+++

Monday, January 9, 2012

What a Win...!!!

 What a win for the Broncos...!!!  The Tebow haters have to sit down and shut up now.  I really gotta say that the Free Safety Quinton Charter (#28) had a spectacular game too. The whole game had me on the edge of my seat...  So much fun when your team wins in the end.

 Lexy got in on some of the Bronco love too...  She is wearing her little pink Bronco's tee shirt.
Here is a side note for Isaac.  He got some Dragon Ball Z action figures in the mail on Saturday.  I love to see his face lit up like it is in this picture.  He has had so much fun playing with them this weekend.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Muppets (2011)

The kids and I went to the movies, for the first time since May, over the Christmas break. We went and caught the new Muppets movie.  I loved the Muppets as a kid, and I am not sure if you ever grow out of them.

Well, we LOVED this movie.  The kids had so much fun.  We use the lines from the movie almost every day.  
We bought the sound track on iTunes (Thanks to the iTunes gifters).  Both kids sing along with the songs.
Man or Muppet
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Me Party
Life's a Happy Song
Forget You
Rainbow Connection
and on and on...

Good Tunes...!!

Always my favorite, ANIMAL...!!!  
Drum!! DRUM!!!  Aaggghhh!!!  DRUM..!!!

Lexy and I have a fun game going.

This movie gets three thumbs up from us.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Little Work for BIG Reward

I think we all know that Isaac loves to play video games.  He found a game at Worst Buy that he really liked, however it was only for Playstation.  We don't have a Playstation.  He saved for a few days, but it was never really in reach.  So Mr DP asked me several months ago about trying to fix his PS3.  I said sure we can try, next thing I know he had bought himself a new one.  Here about a week ago Mrs. CP wondered if we still wanted to try to fix the PS3.  So we brought it home.  I has been hard to find time to work on it, but with three or so hours (on three different days) we got to work.

We followed some instructions found on the internet and a YouTube series.

Here is Isaac cracking the case.
You gotta get the dust out...
We had it in pieces.  Just about every part that could come off did.
More dust removal...
Some reassembly.
Plugged it in... and...
It worked...!!!!  He now has a PS3.  Look at him go...!!!
Good Job Isaac....!!!  We make a great team...

Thank you DP and CP..!!!!