Monday, June 25, 2012

Some Skate for Hope Photos 2012

This year Skate for Hope was on June 16th.  Lexy had so much fun.  Her highlight was to spend some time with her skating hero Rachael Flatts.  Here they are at the meet and greet.

Lexy has Rachael sign her skate.
 Here is a close up photo.
 This one is Lexy and Rachael during the stars practice session.  Lexy was on top of the world.
 Here is the RBP with Rachael.  This group of girls loved the RBP and had a blast with it.

Bacon Sundae

Yes, you read that right BACON SUNDAE... At Burger King...  My Dad told me about it.  One day a week or so ago I had Isaac in the back seat of the car and Lexy needed a nugget, so I grabbed him one.

This is Isaac before that Bacon Sundae.
This is Isaac after the Bacon Sundae.
See, much happier.  I he says it tastes pretty good too...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Lexy - Thriller - 2012 Summer Camp

My have I been busy. The sad part is that I have let the blog slip. I am going to be a posting fool for a bit to catch up with every thing that I need to share with you all.

Here is Lexy's program, self choreographed, from the Pirate Fun Skating Camp at SCMIA.

Monday, June 11, 2012


After Skate for Hope practice and paint balling on Saturday we went camping on Mr Mike's place on the Little Coal River.  We set up some camp and made a trip back to WalMart for the additional items that we needed.  Here is a quick pic of or camp.

 Our dirt bike trailer worked great to camp in.  We have a futon bed in there and plenty of room to move around.  We had to grab some tiki touches with centranila in them to keep the bugs down, they worked great.

We roasted hot dogs over the fire, cooked corn on the cob in the coals, and made smores, all for dinner.
We did so many camping activities, I will post more about it later.  But here is a quick list.  Cooked over the fire, paint balled more, fished, canoed, swam, rope swing, mud pies, football, guitar, rode rapids, watched wild life, rode dirt bikes, chopped wood, laid in the hammock, tended a fire, snuggled to watch stars, etc. 

Thanks for sharing Mr Mike...!!!

More Paint Ball

On Saturday we went paint balling with the Fore Boys.  My goodness did we have a blast.  You'll have to ask Isaac about the details.  He has been on top of the world. We played fathers against the boys for about 2.5 hours.  Oh yeah, the smack talk to a flyin'.

Here are the Fore Boys, Shawn, Joel, and JoJo.
 Joel popped Shawn on the top of the head.  Ouch..!!
 Here is a post photo of our group.  Funny you can see our bruises on this photo.  :)
 Another post photo.

Scary Creek Paint Ball is a fantastic place to play.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Live on the Levee

or Time in the Sandbox...

So, Charleston has this event in the summers called Live on the Levee. It's a free concert at Haddad River Park every Friday night. We went for the first time last night and had a blast. The bands were ok to pretty good. Both were kind of a rock a billy country style with plenty of fun covers of rock and such. The openers even covered 'Purple Rain'.

Here's a few pictures of the kids with their friends. Lexy's skirt has reflective swirls and really lights up with the camera flash..!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Old Timey

So the last Saturday I decided to lay down for a short nap while the kids chilled in the house.  When I woke up this is what I found.  They were both dressed up in their respective cowboy attire, sporting their cap guns, and playing old west in the back yard.  If you look close at the photo you can see the turtle in Isaac's left hand.
I used the iPhone App Instagram to adjust the photo and I am quite happy with how it turned out.

Friday, June 1, 2012


I still love seeing these lilies along the roads here in West Virginia.