Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Little Adventure at Kanawha State Forest

We went for a little adventure to the Kanawha State Forest on Sunday afternoon. As the crow flies it's about 2 miles. But it takes a half hour to drive there. Nice place. They have trails for biking and hiking, a shooting range, several big (200-300 people) picnic areas, tons of swings and slides, a pool, campsites, hunting, etc. (Sorry Jason, I don't think there are any rappels in this one.)

We when to ride our bikes on the trails, well we must have picked the wrong beginner trail. We spent a third of the time walking our bikes because of washed out trial, trail too steep, big ol' roots across the trail, etc. I still had a good time, it was nice to get out there and see something new. Here's a few pics.

They love the fallen tree bridges...

I alway love to get Lext to strike a pose for me.

Amy hates it when I do that... But, she's HOT. Look at her in that nice workout outfit.

Lexy will even strike a pose for Amy. They took this one when Isaac and I were exploring the Snipe Trial. There were nice placques explaining how the CCC campers used to send the 'rookies' Snipe hunting up this trial.


  1. The trails there are not for the Mom, Dad, 2.5 kids type of bicycle riding. One of the hardest mt bike races in the state in held there. Yes, those hills can be rode up.

    Either way, good for you in getting the family out there! I perosnally love KSF.


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