Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pack Meeting for July

Yes, I know that it is August. But, we had our July Pack Meeting tonight. I have been asked (and accepted) to be the Assistant to the Cubmaster. Trick is the Cubmaster in out of town for like 4 months. So, it was up to be... Easy as pie, I just made and agenda and the Den Leaders did the hard parts. Here are some pictures.

Isaac (like most of the boys) earned a bunch of awards. He got BB Shooting, Archery, and Astronomy belt loops. BB Shooting, Archery, Marbles pins. The leave no trace award and outdoorsman award. Great Job Isaac...!=0>
The Webelos set up a tent in 3 mins.

We built an advancement ladder.
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Henrick got his Bear award.
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All the boys put a closths pin with their name on the ladder

Again, I have a ton to blog... I just have to get too it...


  1. That looks GREAT! What kick butt display for the scout boys! I am proud of both my boys! Amy

  2. It looks like everyone is having a great time. I like the ladder. Isaac congrats on all of your awards. When you get your Eagle Schout in a few years we will be there to see it. Thanks for posting things Trav so we can see whats happening in all of your lives. Love all of you!!! gma & gpa


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