Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What'd you do...!!??!!

You should never let your upstairs cooler drain go two years without being hooked up ...

This could happen to you... What a mess to clean up...

We noticed a crack a few weeks ago... two days later crash..!!! The guys the own and manage our place cleaned it up and fix the ceiling fairly quickly. It's one of those times when it's nice to be renting and let someone else fix the hole. Haha...

Ok... I better explain more. We have a small heater/cooler in the loft above our garage. It's kind of a weird little thing. No buttons, it is only controlled by a remote with no words, only pictures. I finally downloaded the operator's manual and figured our how to use it.

It finally turned warm this summer and we had several nights of people staying in our loft / guest room. I guess that the installer did not hookup the condensation drain to the tube that was installed for the drain. So, the water coming off the cooler was dripping into the insulation above our closet in the master bedroom. After many days of the cooler running enough water was in the insulation that it got too heavy for the sheet rock that was all wet too and the ceiling caved in.

I hope that explains better what happened.


  1. Wow - what a mess! Being a renter has some advantages. mom

  2. Hey Travis it's Mitch will you e-mail all of your cool cub master ideas, we just got the calling in our ward and we are struggling with ideas when scouts advance and games to play. It looked like you know what your doing. My e-mail is duke6988@yahoo.com. Thanks


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