Monday, September 26, 2011

Penguins Game 2011

We got tickets to the free Penguins game on Saturday afternoon. This is the second year that they have done this, they give the whole stadium away to the local kids hockey clubs. We got tickets from the Morgantown folks. Thank you Harry and Chris...!!! It was a great game, we had a cool perspective of the ice from the center on the end about 4 rows up from the rail.

This one is kind of dark, but that is Isaac. Complete with his Kris LeTang jersey on, and the tee shirt..!!
Here is Lexy Jo with the ice behind her. She is still sporting her medal from ice skating earlier in the day.
We had a great view of the ice...
The kids got a minute on the bench..
Chris was nice enough to take a picture of the three of us and texted to me. I hope that you can tell we were having a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow-looks like you had a blast. Go Penguins! GMB


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